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Writer's pictureAndi Dela Torre Griffiths

How to Protect your Energy and Guard Yourself

Have you ever felt depleted of energy after an interaction with someone? 

Has a stressful situation drained you so much that it has affected your productivity?

In today’s blog post, we’ll go through a few things you can do to protect your energy and guard yourself from negativity. 

How to Protect your Energy | 7 Simple Ways to Guard Yourself

What does energy mean?

In science, energy is simply the ability to do work. In spirituality, it refers to our energetic field, a representation of who we are, which comes from within- many people call this the aura. Some also use the term vibrational energy. I'm sure you've heard the popular term “vibe”; that comes from the word “vibrations”.

Why is it important to protect your energy?

It’s crucial to protect your energy because it affects your overall well-being. Your thoughts, emotions, relationships, environment, and diet are some of the factors that contribute to this. If you do not pay attention and allow negative influences to enter your personal space, it may cost you your peace.

And before you know it, you cannot function properly anymore. So be careful. It is not easy to recover from emotional exhaustion. Anyone who has experienced it understands that it takes a while to recharge and recover- not to mention that if it becomes chronic, exhaustion can cause permanent damage to your health. 

7 Ways to Protect your Energy

Below are seven tips that can help you protect your energy. Commit to doing some of these, and see the difference it can make in a month. 

1 Learn about your emotional triggers

Emotional triggers are anything that evokes a bad memory accompanied by an intense emotion from you, like fear, anxiety, shock, or panic. Find out what causes you to feel down, anxious, or uneasy. It can be anything: a traumatic experience, a toxic environment, certain situations, words, or individuals.

Girl writing on a journal

When you recognize your triggers, you can manage your response better and not readily succumb to the negative emotions tied to them. 

2 Avoid energy vampires | stay with people who bring you joy

I’m sure you’ve heard of the term energy vampires; they refer to people who drain your energy after you converse or interact with them. Examples of energy vampires include those who complain excessively, constantly speak ill of others, and harbor too much hate about someone or something (for no valid reason).

Identify the vampires in your life and be cautious around them because you can easily pick up their vibrations. That, in turn, can affect your mental health. Other people to avoid are those who have caused you frustration or trauma.

Employees having fun while working


Remember, others can drain you without them knowing, and you can do the same to others unknowingly, depending on your mental state. Try to remove judgment when dealing with an energy vampire (especially if it’s the first time), but also guard yourself. 

Stay with people who bring you joy instead. You know you're in good company when the conversations on the table uplift, simulate, and inspire you.

3 Watch your food intake and eat better

Studies show that healthy food choices not only benefit the body but the brain as well. High-processed foods may be convenient and addictively yummy, but they only give us a temporary energy spike. After that, there is always a crash, and you are left wanting for more. If you're not in the best mental disposition and love junk food, you might want to consider slowly shifting to proper, well-balanced meals. Food affects your mood.

A healthy and balance diet

Almost anything that has sugar tastes good, but too much of it can lead to problems like diabetes, dental problems, or skin issues. The next time you crave sweet treats, switch to healthier alternatives such as your favorite fruit, nuts, or sweet potatoes. All are delicious and nutritious. As for me, I love carrot slices (because they have helped clear my skin before). 

4 Assess your relationships

Not everyone is your friend (in the true sense of the word). Some are only acquaintances, schoolmates, workmates, or neighbors- and that's okay. If you figure out which ones are which, you will appreciate the people in your life more, regardless of where they fall into those categories. You also get to identify the value they bring to your life. 

Good food and good company in a healthy environment

And speaking of relationships. When you have a problem or a plan to do something significant, it can be tempting to share your thoughts with whoever is available, but be mindful of who you open up to; this is most true if you have big plans ahead of you, like opening a business, getting married, or making a big purchase. Only divulge important details to people who matter or once they have come to fruition. You don't want to spoil anything or make announcements too early.  There are those who unconsciously project their limiting beliefs to others- this can possibly affect you.

5 Spend more time in healthy environments

The environment you are in is another factor that affects your energetic field. And this is something you can notice if you have had exposure to both good and unpleasant surroundings. It does affect your whole mood and vibe. 

We can use family life for children as an example. The relationship dynamics are different in a healthy household compared to a chaotic one. Many (not all) children who grow up seeing violence or aggression tend to have different standards when they have relationships as adults, as compared to those who grew up in nurturing environments.

Child in between fighting parents

If you spend plenty of time in a space where toxic behaviors are acceptable, limit your exposure (as these energies can increase your stress levels and lower your vibration).

If you work from home, make it a habit to declutter and light some incense to ward off negative energies, especially if other people live with you, or you always get visitors.

6 Set clear boundaries and communicate them properly

I touched on this briefly in my other post. Protecting your personal space is a must. Set clear boundaries and communicate them properly so others do not cross the line. These boundaries can be emotional, financial, moral, or physical. It's important to have them because they are essential for your mental health. If you don't put them in place, you can compromise your peace and neglect your needs.

Setting personal boundaries

A few common examples of this include bosses or workmates who keep asking you to take on their work, in-laws who have no respect for your privacy, or someone who keeps using your personal belongings without permission. If you think about it, that's exhausting. You might even start feeling resentment towards the person invading your energy field. And that is why you need to draw a line. It saves you from a lot of trouble.

Remember, boundary-setting is not selfish; it is an act of self-care.

7 Do some inner work

Inner work refers to the steps you take for self-improvement. It can be through engaging in creative activities, reciting affirmations, or starting new habits. We all have different ways of doing it. Regardless of your preference, if you commit to it, you will learn something new about yourself and even uncover thoughts you didn't know existed.

Inner work for sef-growth and improvement

Meditation is effective and can work wonders with clearing your head and helping you understand who you are at the core (and what you want). There are plenty of guided meditation videos on YouTube if you do not know where to start. The one below is perfect for those with busy schedules because it only requires 21 minutes of your time. You can try it. Go to a quiet room or an outdoor area with no distractions, wear your earphones to listen to the audio, and close your eyes.

Always remember that your energy is your currency. Protect it and invest it wisely. 

Okay, this post is long now. That would be all for today. If you made it to the end of this article, thank you! I appreciate your time. Stay hydrated!

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