Andi Dela Torre Griffiths
Apr 26, 2023
Have you visited Cafe B.O.M. in Pampanga?
The first things I noticed upon heading to the cafe were the White walls and arched windows. They looked lovely, not to mention there...

Andi Dela Torre Griffiths
Apr 16, 2023
What Can Change in a Year? Oh How Time Flies
Many things can happen in a month, let alone a year. Can you remember how things were for you 365 days ago? How about now?

Andi Dela Torre Griffiths
Mar 26, 2023
Decluttering your Social Media
We live in an era where social media has become part of our lives. It has made sharing special moments and connecting with others easier...

Andi Dela Torre Griffiths
Feb 27, 2023
Mirror Studios in Pasig City | Is it Worth it?
Just for fun and as part of our catching up, my friend Eloise and I booked two sessions at Mirror Studios in Pasig. We met for coffee...

Andi Dela Torre Griffiths
Feb 26, 2023
Catching Up with Friends & Other Things
The past few months flew fast. Only yesterday, we were celebrating Christmas, and now we're nearing the 3rd quarter of the year.

Andi Dela Torre Griffiths
Feb 18, 2023
Traveling to Pakistan: Lahore Diaries
The Islamic Republic of Pakistan is a predominantly Muslim country in South Asia known for its intricate mosques, delicious cuisine, and...

Andi Dela Torre Griffiths
Jan 23, 2023
Trying a Self-Portrait Studio for the First Time
I have been continuously working on my blog and searching for a studio where I can have my blog photos taken. Luckily, this self-portrait...

Andi Dela Torre Griffiths
Nov 8, 2022
Colorful Sunsets and Watching Snowdrop
If a sunrise represents the dawn of a new day, a sunset symbolizes its completion. Back in the old days, when life wasn’t as fast-paced...