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Writer's pictureAndi Dela Torre Griffiths

Some Thoughts & Realizations

It's been weeks since we last welcomed 2019, how are things going so far? (yep that's a real question so feel free to send me a message if you feel like sharing anything). I didn't make any resolutions this year; since last year's assessment revealed that I was only able to stick with a few. I just made my goals more specific and redesigned my vision board instead. I figured goal-setting works better for me than resolution-setting, since they're finite and more targeted in achieving results.

I'm really excited to see how things would turn out this year. For sure 2019 would be so much better than 2018, which was a crazy and interesting time by the way. There were some successes and tons of failure but that's okay cause that's how we learn, stay motivated and remain humble. Failing at something is better than failing to try.

Anyway...before I end this post to grab myself a cup of tea and a slice of leftover chocolate cake, allow me to share with you guys some real-time random realizations first:

  • There is a time for everything. We cannot rush everything to fit it into our timeline, just like how you cannot rush a plant to grow by constantly watering it. You can also just think of moon phases; there's a certain time to wax, and another to wane.

  • Any companionship built around hating the same person (obviously) isn't a healthy one. If you have nothing else to talk about besides your dislike for someone, you're both wasting your time. Spend time with people who have better things to talk about.

  • Learning something different can be very difficult at first but if you really commit yourself to learning and understanding it, you'll find yourself slowly getting better until eventually, you get the hang of things.

  • Look beyond what is. There's always more to a person than meets the eye. I know it sounds cliche, but judge not by appearances.

  • It's funny how our childhood decisions (good or bad) largely affected the events and circumstances that led us to where we are now. So if it happens that any parent is reading my blog right now, I hope that you set good examples at home and that you provide guidance to your kids without dictating them, so that their minds will be conditioned to make wise decisions.

  • Results manifest when you pray, visualize, and put in the work.

  • Listen to what the universe is trying to tell you; be vigilant with your surroundings, reflect on your circumstances, and observe the people entering and exiting your life.

  • We'll never know what else we're capable of if we do not test our limits.

That would be all for now, thanks for reading ♡

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