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Writer's pictureAndi Dela Torre Griffiths

Top 4 Self-Help Book Picks!

Need motivation? Here are four book suggestions that can help you make the right decisions and unleash your personal power.

As A Man Thinketh by James Allen

This one is my favorite. It perfectly sums up the significance of positive thought in attracting the right circumstances in our lives. You should definitely get yourself a copy of this book. It is very insightful, and you can finish this book in less two hours (quick breaks included). Read it every once in a while to remember the teachings. I thank my dad for introducing me to this book when I was in high school; it was truly life-changing.

Pure Power by James Lee Valentine

If you're the type who's easily bored with small fonts and long paragraphs, this book is for you. It presents a good amount of information but is very reader-friendly. Even elementary students can enjoy reading this book because it's creatively written, and most ideas are bulleted if not enumerated. It has some thought-provoking questions for you too (you might want to get a notebook for the Pure Power Questions).

Best Self-Help/Motivational Books | A Lifestyle Blog by Andi | Philippines

The Magic of Believing by Claude Bristol

An old classic, this book will surely give you all the motivation that you need to keep the faith. It discusses in detail the magic of believing (as the title suggests), as well as what we need to learn about the subconscious mind and how we can program ourselves for success. There's also a chapter on visualization called The Art of Mental Pictures. I find it the most interesting among all the other topics in the book.

Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill

A popular self-help book, Think and Grow Rich, has become a favorite of prominent and regular individuals alike because of its thirteen principles that have changed the lives of many. Like the previous ones I've mentioned, it also has chapters on the power of suggestion and visualization.

Before I end this post, let me just add a few more book recommendations that you might be interested in:

  • The Silva Mind Control Method by Jose Silva

  • The Secret by Rhonda Byrne

  • The Power of your Subconscious Mind by Joseph Murphy

  • The Master Key System by Charles Haanel

  • Success Habits by Napoleon Hill

That would be all for today, thanks for dropping by.

♥ Andi

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