Andi Dela Torre Griffiths
Apr 27, 2021
Benefits of Staying Calm & Everyday Calm Journal
Calmness is the cradle of power - JG Holland Have you ever been in a situation where you feel like you just want to burst out of stress...

Andi Dela Torre Griffiths
Mar 20, 2021
Civil Wedding Requirements: Philippines
Are you and your partner planning to have a civil wedding in the Philippines? If yes, read on! For today’s post, I’ll be sharing with you..

Andi Dela Torre Griffiths
Nov 26, 2020
Sierra Madre Mountain Range: Luzon's Protective Barrier Against Typhoons
The Sierra Madre has saved Luzon many times from what could have been more disastrous outcomes from typhoons and storm surges; it remains to

Andi Dela Torre Griffiths
Sep 30, 2020
How to Deal with Nosy Relatives
While it’s fun to answer questions from our favorite aunties, uncles, and cousins, it can get awkward when random relatives suddenly ask abo

Andi Dela Torre Griffiths
Jul 31, 2020
49 Lifestyle Topic Ideas for Your Blog!
Running out of ideas but want to create more posts for your blog? Here are a few lifestyle topics you can write about (or get inspiration...

Andi Dela Torre Griffiths
Jun 29, 2019
Communication is Key
Communication is such an interesting subject; it always takes place, yet we rarely talk about it. It's the key to building (or damaging)...

Andi Dela Torre Griffiths
Jun 27, 2019
Social Media Fixation: Changing our Perception of Reality
With the amount of time you spend online (and with the bunch of accounts you follow), I'm sure you've already noticed how "perf

Andi Dela Torre Griffiths
Jun 23, 2019
What is the Freedom of Information Program + How To Request a Document
E.O. No. 2, or the FOI program, is an order requiring all executive departments, agencies, bureaus, and offices, to make available to the pu