Andi Dela Torre Griffiths
Sep 14, 2018
Wednesday Evening | Wisdom
Today, I am not doing any work. I will just write about my musings about wisdom instead. But wait. Let's define it first. What is wisdom?...

Andi Dela Torre Griffiths
May 18, 2018
Mind your Media Consumption
Everyday we’re being conditioned and programmed the way “they” want us to be. "They" can be anyone; our teachers, our parents, our...

Andi Dela Torre Griffiths
Mar 24, 2018
Happy Women's Month! Salute
International Women’s Day may be over but it’s still National Women’s Month, so Happy National Women’s Month 😊🌷 March is almost coming...

Andi Dela Torre Griffiths
Dec 13, 2017
Go Do It Anyway | Take the Leap
You see, you shouldn't let other people's opinions hinder you from making that first step or from carrying on... Go do it anyway and

Andi Dela Torre Griffiths
Dec 1, 2017
Creation through Words | Doing your Affirmations
The words we speak have more creative power than we think. “Words create worlds”- We should definitely keep this in mind. Most of us might t