Andi Dela Torre Griffiths
Nov 11, 2024
Your Challenges Are Going to Turn Into Opportunities
Challenges are a part of everyone’s journey. They are given to us to strengthen our character. It’s just that some challenges are heavier to
Andi Dela Torre Griffiths
Aug 26, 2024
What's In Your Cup? Definitely A Must-Read
You’re walking down the street holding a cup of coffee when someone bumps into you and causes it to spill. Why did you spill coffee? You...
Andi Dela Torre Griffiths
Jul 18, 2024
The Good, The Bad, and The In-Between
When I feel so-so, I watch a sci-fi movie or a chick flick and treat myself to something sweet. When I'm down, I allow myself to feel upset
Andi Dela Torre Griffiths
Jun 6, 2021
7 Things you can do this Quarantine
Here are seven (7) things you can do this quarantine to keep your sanity and stay productive. 1) Finish a book, then read it again...